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What are the effects of globalization?

They have very similar effects: they raise output in countries, raise productivity, create more jobs, raise wages, and lower prices of products in the world economy. What might be the advantages of globalization that someone would feel in their day-to-day life?

What is globalization & why is it important?

This cargo comes from around the world and contains all kinds of goods and products. Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result.

What does globalization mean?

Freight trains waiting to be loaded with cargo to transport around the United Kingdom. This cargo comes from around the world and contains all kinds of goods and products. Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place.

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